Zettlr alternative
Zettlr alternative

zettlr alternative

The Scrivener manual explains the process but I can send complete instructions on how to set this up if you would like (instructions that someone else graciously provided me).Since with Obsidian a new competitor entered the "battlefield" of Writing/Notetaking/Zettelkasten software, I felt like comparing Obsidian with Zettlr. I’ve resigned myself to writing the bulk of my text in a text editor (my app of choice is iA Writer) and using Scrivener for the organizational structure, Scrivenings feature, outlining, and compiling to Word.


One can create folders and manually rearrange files in Scrivener (which is what I need) and use the Scrivenings feature (which I found essential in a book project for ensuring smooth transitions between chapters) but on a mobile device using text editors one is not able to use a Scrivenings type of feature or rearrange files manually (but I’ve not yet tried Multimarkdown Composer Pro as suggested above but I plan to check it out). This solution (Scrivener + synced external folder of markdown files) is a good solution. I spent months experimenting with different apps and workflows. As a result, I can use all of Scrivener’s organizational features, including Scrivenings, Bookends for citations, write in markdown in Scrivener, use Obsidian and/or Scrivener for my research documents, avoid DropBox, avoid a subscription and use any text editor on any device and all of my files are future proofed, synced via iCloud and backed up to Time Machine and two external drives. I’ve recently solved the problem by using Scrivener linked and synced to an external folder (which is also an Obsidian Vault and is also a folder in iA Writer’s library) of markdown plain text files. Ulysses is great BUT you cannot bulk export individual files.

zettlr alternative zettlr alternative

I’ve worked with Scrivener, Ulysses, iA Writer and Obsidian. I’ve struggled with the same issue and for many of the same reasons. But if you enjoy the environment provided by Scrivener I’d keep using it. Now if you truly like Obsidian or any other app more than Scrivener as a day to day work environment then go for it. Egads … I much rather write in Scrivener than Obsidian (e.g.). And the downside is you might risk jumping from the … well you know what I mean. In general I wouldn’t suggest changing solely for the reason you provided in this case: probably RTF will last as long as MD. More realistically, if Scrivener goes under you’d have plenty of time and notice to export all your work as markdown. (Leaving out the details here, but it involves right-clicking on the SCRIV file in finder and opening it up as the SCRIV file is really a folder containing various materials.) You’d still be able to get at the original RTF files. This is considering the worst case scenario where you’ve been asleep for 10 years, ,Scrivener has NOT been updated for 9 years and is defunct. While that may not be as “future-proof” as markdown in theory, I’m not sure there’s much of a difference in practice. But … all your writing within Scrivener is RTF. I understand your concern as I feel the same way. I was looking to move away from Scrivener because I like portability and future proofing that writing and having all my files saved in plain text/markdown allows.

Zettlr alternative